
Wow! What a week! All this week we have spent a day focusing on different curriculum areas.
We started the week with a French / DT Day – the Y6 children playing an integral part! They each planned and prepared a different activity to share with the other children in school based on The Very Hungry Caterpillar. In the afternoon, children chose to work n groups or independently to build a junk modelling French landmark. There were some amazing creations!
On Tuesday we had an Art Day, with the theme being the Olympics. Children worked exceptionally well throughout the day and produced some great artwork – from silhouette Olympians to Olympic torches.
On Wednesday, it was Maths Day. The children learnt all about tessellation. They worked together and have made a tessellating crowd of spectators which features all the children in school.
Thursday was Science Day and we were joined by lots of friends from our cluster of schools – 80 to be precise! The weather was fabulous, and the children took part in a carousel of various science activities in school and in our beautiful grounds. Highlights include learning all about gravity and making bow and arrows.
Finally, today was the turn for outdoor education as we took part in a whole school Forest School session.
Thank you to all our wonderful teachers for planning such a great week! The children have all had lots of fun this week and have been thoroughly engaged in their learning. 

Whole School Photo – we managed to have our whole school photograph on Wednesday, and we managed to get outdoors! Proofs will be sent home as soon as we have them.
By way of reminder, please do not upload a copy of our whole school photograph to your social media accounts, we do have children in school who do not consent.

Westmorland Farm Open Day – the Westmorland County Agricultural Society have kindly invited our lower juniors to a farm open day at Heaves Farm on Tuesday. Transport for the event will be provided by coach companies arranged through the Society. An information sheet is attached.

Orienteering – a team of KS1 children will be heading to Quernmore on Thursday to take part in a fun filled morning of Orienteering. A separate email will follow for the children taking part.

REMINDER: KS2 Parliament Workshop – our junior children have been invited to Hornby to take part in a parliament workshop on Thursday, where there will be an assembly and debate workshop. We are asking parents to consider donating £3.00 per child towards the cost of the transport. Payment is available on SchoolMoney.

REMINDER: Whole School TripMonday 8th July – our annual whole school trip takes us to the Buddhist Temple in Ulverston this year. Children from Reception to Year 6 will have a guided tour of the temple and have the opportunity to take part in a meditation session.
Our Nursery will therefore be closed on Monday 8th July as we will not be back in school until 3.15pm. Children will be able to choose an alternative day to attend that week.     

School Times – as a polite reminder school currently starts at 9am and finishes at 3.15pm. We kindly request that all parents collect their children on time at the end of the day. Unfortunately, we are seeing more and more children being collected late at the end of the school day, and whilst we do have different after school clubs on Tuesday and Wednesday, these are for pre-booked children only. As with late arrivals, children being collected late should be collected from the office door.  We cannot guarantee that two members of staff will be on school site after 3:15pm.

Following the parental consultation, our school opening hours from September will be:
9.00am – 3.30pm.
School will start promptly at 9.00am however, as we do now, doors will be open from 8.50am and children are encouraged to come to school and enjoy a soft start to the day by walking the world with their friends. All children should be in school, in their classrooms, ready for the day for 9.00am registration.

Coming up next week

Coming up this half-term