
School has been a hive of activity this week! It was lovely to welcome so many families to the Lego session on Tuesday – many thanks to Mrs Mather for arranging this! There were some great creations.
On Wednesday, we held our annual Harvest Activity Day. Children were able to take part in various craft activities which also linked to our school vision of Belonging, Believing, Succeeding Together. Children produced some amazing displays – a sample of which has been posted on our Facebook page.

Walk 2 School – our next Walk to School of this academic year is on Tuesday 8th October – let’s hope the weather is kinder! As always, any children taking part will enjoy breakfast together when they arrive at school. We will meet at 8.20am in the carpark at the back of Cowan Bridge Village Stores.

Parent Meetings – our first parent meetings of the year will take place on Wednesday 23rd October.
All parents will be asked to sign up to a 10-minute time slot. During this time, your child/rens books and work will be available for parents to have a look through. Sign-up sheets will be available in the infant classroom or the school hall on Monday morning. If you are unable to get into school please phone the office to arrange your appointment.

Lancashire Adult Learning – the team from Lancashire Adult Learning have organised a Young Storytellers workshop to take place at school. Please see the poster below and email me to let us know if you and your children would like to join in with this session. There is a limit on the number of places, so these will be available on a first come first served basis. Thank you.

SchoolMoney – end of month reminders were sent earlier this week. Please try to keep all balances to a minimum.      

Christmas Crafts – whilst it is only October, we are looking ahead to after half-term and the return of Mrs Mather’s very popular Christmas Crafts club. This will be held on a Tuesday lunchtime and cost £12.00 for the full half-term. Payment is available on SchoolMoney and must be made by next Friday to allow for us to order the correct amount of resources.  If children do not sign up in time, we will not be able to add on any late additions.

Personal Achievements – this week in assembly, Mrs Davison was pleased to celebrate:

AGM – the PTFA met on Monday, the constitution has changed slightly, with Mrs Wilson stepping up as chair, Hayley Fawcett as secretary / vice chair and Mrs Knapp remains the treasurer.
There were some great ideas for the upcoming term and year discussed and more information will follow in due course.
Non-Uniform Day – children can come to school in their own clothes on Friday 18th October, in exchange for a chocolate or sweet donation which will be used as prizes at our next event.
Bingo!Thursday 24th October – eyes down for 4pm. Please join us to raise all important funds for school – please see the attached poster and send an email to book your tickets by next Friday.
Tuck Shop – end of term sweet treats – 50p bags of sweets will be available from the PTFA tuck shop at the end of the school day on Thursday 24th October.

REMINDER: Magazines – if any families have any age-appropriate magazines, the juniors would be extremely grateful for any donations as they begin to look at different styles of writing in their lessons. Thank you.  

REMINDER: Mouse Trap – if anyone has the game ‘Mouse Trap’ please can the junior class borrow it? It will be very well looked after and returned after use. Many thanks.

REMINDER: Harvest Appeal – this year, as we celebrate Harvest, we are asking any families who are able, to donate to our collection for a local foodbank. Items can be brought into school and placed in the box outside the office. The collection will be taken towards the end of next week for anyone who would still like to donate.

REMINDER: Where the Wildings Are – Alex will once again be joining us in school to make a start on some of the ongoing outdoor projects.
Parent volunteers are very welcome to stay and join in from 9am on Friday 11th October. If anyone has any garden tools and a strimmer, these would be very useful. We are also hoping to paint and fix the Wendy House in the infants playground. Refreshments will be available.

Coming up next week

Coming up this half term