This week has been relatively quiet in school as the Y6s prepare for their SATs. The children have been working very hard preparing for next week and we know they will all do their absolute best. We are encouraging the children not to worry about the week, but make sure they have good nights’ sleep this weekend to help them feel ready for Monday.
The Walk 2 School was well attended on Tuesday morning, with 16 children taking part. We have a Walk 2 School week planned for w/c 16th May and we would like to see all children walk up to school at some point during the week. More details will follow next week.
The infants had a lovely visit to Hall Farm on Tuesday afternoon where they met the new born calves and watched cows being milked. Pictures are on our Facebook page.
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – we have lots of wonderful things planned to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee during the last week of term.
We have an Art & DT competition running, full details are attached to this email.
We will need lots of newspaper, so please can families start to collect and bring them in to school.
Please can families also start to collect coins / loose change with the Queen’s face on for a special art project. Children can bring the coins into school – we have a box for them to deposit them. Thank you.
Sarah at Melling kitchen will be providing a special street party lunch for Friday 27th May. If any children who do not currently have school meals would like to join in, please email to let Mrs Knapp know by Friday 13th May.
Kwik Cricket Competition – some of our upper junior children will be taking part in a Kwik Cricket competition at Over Kellet Primary School on Friday 13th May. A full information sheet is attached for those taking part. Children will need to arrive at school ready to set off at 8.30am, all children will need a packed lunch. Thank you.
Toddler Group Forest School Session – Tuesday 24th May 2022 from 9.30am – 11.30am
Join us in the grounds of Leck St Peter’s Primary School for a morning of fun and planting a tree for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee! Please share with anyone who might be interested.
Young Voices – please can children in the juniors practise the songs at home using the practise tracks and videos provided by Young Voices on MyClassmate. To access these parents should set up a MyClassmate account using the link below, then they will receive an access code. Many thanks to those who have already done this and encouraged their child to practise at home, it does make a big difference.
Parent tickets for Young Voices have arrived. Please can parents now pay for any tickets they originally ordered. Mrs Knapp has the list if you are unsure of what you have ordered, please ask.
They are £20.00 each and can be paid by cash or cheque made payable to Leck St Peters. Many thanks.
Bedrock Literacy – we have secured a 30-day trial for an online literacy resource for our KS2 children. The children have all completed the placement test and started their first block of learning on the programme. It incorporates all areas of literacy learning and we are keen to make the most of the free trial. The children have their log in details in their reading records and can access the resource via any platform (phone, iPad, laptop, pc). We would like the children to log in and complete between 15 and 30 minutes at least twice a week during our free trial, (this will replace English homework).
Any feedback you have about this resource would be greatly appreciated and can be emailed to Mrs Jones niccolajones@leck-st-peters.lancs.sch.uk
SchoolMoney – reminders for balances falling due in the financial year 21/22 were sent earlier in the week. Please can these payments be paid as soon as possible – they were due before April 1st 2022.
PTFA News –
AGM – we will be holding our AGM on either Monday 23rd or Tuesday 24th May – please can parents let us know which date is better suited for them and we will arrange a time and place to suit. There will be various roles to allocate for September 2022, including chair person, vice chair and secretary. Without these vital roles the PTFA will not be able to operate. All money raised by the PTFA benefits all children in school.
What’s on this week
- Monday 9th May – SATs week
- Monday 9th May – after school forest school club 3.15-4.15pm
- Tuesday 10th May – after school gardening club 3.15-4.15pm
- Thursday 12th May – after school dance club 3.15-4.15pm
- Friday 13th May – junior cluster cricket tournament @ Over Kellet
Coming up this term
- Monday 16th May – walk to school week
- Wednesday 25th May – Young Voices – juniors @ Manchester Arena
- Friday 27th May – PTFA mufti day