Special Needs Local Offer
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SEN and Disability Local Offer:
Name of School: Leck St Peter’s School Number: 01020 |
Accessibility and Inclusion |
What the school provides
Physical Access · The school was built in the 1800’s and is wheelchair accessible and on a single level. · To ensure all access for pupils and parents with disabilities the school has checked that some doorways and entrances to the school are on a single level and wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair if necessary. · There are accessible parking spaces available for the public and disabled persons. Information is available on the school website in addition to regular newsletters. Furniture is modern and of a suitable height appropriate to the age group of children being taught in that classroom. · Clearly labelled sign and bell on front door for assistance for disability. · Clear signage and lighting inside and outside school. · Colour of floor coverings contrast with walls. · An accessible toilet is available Accessibility of Information · Information is disseminated to parents in a number of ways including notices in hall window, website, weekly newsletter · School policies are available on the website and in hard copy if requested · Staff are always available to explain information, complete forms etc · Reports are translated on request for parents Access to Provision · Every care is taken to ensure all children have equal access to all provision. · The school encourages all pupils to be independent so sets up classrooms to aid this. · Furniture is size and age appropriate · The school has a range of ICT programmes for pupils with SEN in addition to IPADs, headphones, netbooks, computers and interactive whiteboards installed in every classroom. · Teachers are on the playground every morning for informal contact and available for meetings if required. · Where appropriate specialist equipment such as pencil grips, overlays will be used to aid pupils. |
Teaching and Learning |
What the school provides
Early identification is vital and outside agencies can help advise on the provision of intervention strategies. The class teacher informs the parents at the earliest opportunity to alert them to concerns and enlist their active help and participation. The class teacher and the SENDCO assess and monitor the children’s progress in line with existing school practices. The SENDCO works closely with parents and teachers to plan an appropriate programme of intervention and support. The assessment of children reflects as far as possible their participation in the whole curriculum of the school. The class teacher and the SENDCO can break down the assessment into smaller steps in order to aid progress and provide detailed and accurate indicators. Children can be screened for dyslexia and dyscalculia and assessed by outside agencies such as IDSS. Each class has the benefit of at least one Teaching Assistant. In the case of children with HI, VI or medical needs specialist support, equipment and training is provided by IDSS, NHS (Diabetes Nurse etc…). Staff have received first Aid training. In addition, there are 2 other TA’s who have been on training to support pupils with ASD. The SENDCO is highly experienced. When sitting examinations children with SEN can be supported 1 to 1 (EHCP), have timed breaks, be granted additional time and sit exams in a quiet setting in a small group to aid concentration. The SEN provision map records the type of intervention a pupil is receiving, the duration, pupils’ progress throughout the school and records how much progress individuals make following interventions. The school tracker also tracks progress and provides data for monitoring pupils receiving the Pupil Premium as well as pupils with SEN. |
Reviewing and Evaluating Outcomes |
What the school provides
Parents contribute and take part in Annual Reviews and receive copies of all relevant paperwork concerning their child. Pupils are also asked to make a contribution to the review. IEPs are produced termly or half termly depending on the circumstance and pupil and the school operates an Open Door policy with regards to any concerns a parent may have. Pupils’ progress is monitored throughout the school and Pupils with SEN are monitored also on the Provision Map. Individual parent meetings in the autumn and Spring terms allow the review of progress of children with other SEN needs |
Keeping Children Safe |
What the school provides
The Head Teacher carries out Risk Assessments where necessary. A handover is carried out by the T/A or class teacher to the appropriate parent/carer at the end of the day. There are parking areas by the school for pick up and drop off points. Lunchtime support staff supervise each lunch break. Staff also supervise children in the play areas at playtimes. Support is available in every class as well as additional adult support if required. Parents can access the Anti-Bullying, Behaviour and SEN Policies on the school website. |
Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing) |
What the school provides
All medicine is recorded in a medicine book along with details of dosage and frequency. Parents sign a medicine form to grant authorisation to the school to administer to their child. Care plans are passed on to the relevant Class Teacher and the master copy is kept in SEN records. Support and teaching staff are kept regularly up to date with First Aid Training to ensure staff are familiar with what action to take in the event of an emergency. In addition, Diabetes and Epipen training will be provided by the School Nurse or other NHS professional to ensure the relevant staff are conversant with the appropriate action or medical procedure if required. In a medical emergency an ambulance will be called. |
Communication with Parents |
What the school provides
The website contains details of all staff currently employed by the school and the School Prospectus also provides this information. The School operates an Open Door policy and has 2 parent evenings a year to provide opportunities for parents to discuss the progress of their child as well as a written report at the end of the year. A parent questionnaire is also provided for parents to record their views and suggestions. |
Working Together |
What the school provides
There is a School Council for pupils to contribute their own views and the pupil questionnaire is carried out annually with year 2, 4 and 6. Parents can have their say about their child in Parent Evenings, Annual Reviews, IEP reviews (if they express a wish to do so) and the parent questionnaire. The school nurse attends at least one of these meetings and is available through school. Elections to the Governing Body are held in the event a vacancy arises and the PTA is active in school. |
What help and support is available for the family? |
What the school provides
The Secretary, Class Teacher or Head Teacher can offer help with forms if this is required. There is a Notice board which contains additional information of upcoming events or general useful information e.g. Drop in Centres etc.. The school has held an E-Safety Workshop for parents to attend. If a pupil required a Travel plan to get their child to and from school this would be dealt with by the class teacher, SENDCO and Head Teacher if required. |
Transition to Secondary School |
What the school provides
Each Year pupils visit their forthcoming Secondary School for taster sessions and also Secondary Teachers from the Local Schools visit to help ease the transition from Year 6 to Year 7. The school already has good links with local secondary schools such as LRGS and QES which means the children have experience of secondary teaching and of visiting these schools |
Extra Curricular Activities |
What the school provides
The school operates a daily Breakfast Club available to all pupils. There are opportunities for pupils to take part in after school clubs at various times of the year. These Clubs are available to all the pupils in the designated age range assigned to that activity (e.g. Cricket available to Key Stage 2 pupils but not Key Stage 1). Children entering Reception are looked over by a child from Year 6. Buddies also help Reception children during Lunch in the Autumn Term to help new pupils settle in to normal School routines.
The size of our school helps all children to make friends and settle in as they would as part of a family. |