We post a newsletter every week….
View Older Newshas been another lovely week in school despite the not-so-great weather! At the start of the week, Mrs Mather and the infants enjoyed their Forest School session, despite the weather. The junior children joined them for part of the session to make bird feeders in preparation for the RSPB School Bird Watch which is taking place next week. Not all our junior children were prepared with wellies and coats as requested in last weeks’ newsletter. Please can we stress the importance of regularly reading the newsletter to keep up to date with what is going on in school and what children need for the week ahead. Children who are not prepared for activities, with the correct equipment, may end up having to miss out in future.
This week is Children’s Mental Health week, and the theme for this year is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’. On Tuesday we joined thousands of other pupils in The Big Live Assembly which was all about wellbeing. We talked about different emotions using the Disney film Inside Out and learned the importance of these and how we can regulate our emotions to stay strong and healthy. Throughout the week we have had time for short wellbeing activities, thinking about how to be good friends to each other too. We ended the week by inviting children to ‘Wear Your SCARF to School’ to help us remember and celebrate SCARF’s important values of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship.
It was fabulous to see the school hall filled with so many parents this morning celebrating our children’s achievements in and out of school. Our next Parent Celebration Assembly will take place at 9am on Friday 14th March.
REMINDER: Toilet Twinning – on Monday 10th February all children are invited to wear their own clothes to school (for a £1 donation). We are raising funds for a project which helps families in certain communities have their own toilet in which we will be their “toilet twin”.
Film night children will get snacks during the film and are welcome to bring a blanket or cushion. The film has a run time of 85 minutes so please collect children at 5pm. Thank you.
Walk 2 School – our next Walk to School is arranged for Tuesday 11th February. As always, any children taking part will enjoy breakfast together when they arrive at school. We will meet at 8.20am in the carpark at the back of Cowan Bridge Village Stores.
Family Worship – all families are invited to join us in Church on Wednesday afternoon for a short service. Some children are involved in reading bible verses and prayers. Refreshments will be available afterwards. We look forward to seeing lots of family and friends.
Swimming – next Thursday will be a water safety session for all children in Year 3, a letter containing more information and what swimming kit to bring is coming home today. All other swimmers will take part in a dry land session learning about The Water Safety Code, beach flags, open water hazards and hypothermia.
Friendship Day – thank you to everyone who has signed up to join us for this, we look forward to celebrating “friendship day” with you next week.
Infant Show & Tell – this week we are looking forward to seeing what Tyler would like to bring to school on Monday to share with his friends.
Coming up next week
Coming up next half-term