British Values

The government set out its definition of British Values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and these were reiterated in 2014.  At Leck St Peter’s these values are promoted regularly within the curriculum and through the Christian ethos embedded in our school.

Value How we promote it


Elected school council that meets regularly.  School Council box for suggestions.

Raise money for local and national charities i.e. Roshni, Y6s help at Macmillan Coffee Mornings in the village.

Literacy based discussions – court dramas.

PHSE KS1/2.  Taking part unit 9.

Pupil questionnaire yearly.

Reflection garden.

City visit to Edinburgh.  Visit to parliament.  UK geography focus.

The rule of law

R.E. Ten commandments / rules for living.

Behaviour policy.  House points.  Star of the week.

Christian focus of morality (right and wrong).

Home to School agreement.

Visits from PCSO / fire safety.

R.E. rights of the child.

Classroom / School rules in agreement with children.

Rules of being a good “learning partner”.

Rules for circle time.  UK geography focus.

Bikeability training / road rules

PCSO / Fire service talks

Individual Liberty

PHSE unit 5 KS1/2.  Keeping safe.

Life Education bus/NSPCC/Safer internet day.

Drug/alcohol and tobacco awareness.  PHSE unit KS1/2.

Outdoor education program.

After School Clubs.

Show and tell KS1.

Fair trade study on a 2 year rolling plan.

Mutual Respect

Anti bullying week PHSE unit 12 Anti Bullying.

Forest School and Tower Wood joint days promote respect for other staff and children from link school.

Learning conference board.

Activity Days – Cross key stage cooperation.

SRE unit 2 KS1/2.

Behaviour and single equality policy.

Sportsmanship – tournaments – Olympics – rounders tournament.

PSHE / circle time promoting turn taking, collaboration and cooperation.

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

Assemblies to cover special days.

Behaviour policy, equality and cohesion policy refer.

Syllabus for RE, in this children learn about different religions, their beliefs, places of worship and festivals.

KS1 (units 1.7 Baptism 2.1 The Bible, 2.5 The Church)

French language taught in school.

Visits to Bradford (mosque), Preston (Hindu temple),  Ulverston (Buddhist temple)

Arts week – often includes artists from different countries / faiths

Members of different faiths are encouraged to share their experiences within the class.

Geography focus UK unit – what makes us British?

Cultural Celebrations

Key British Cultural Celebrations:-

Olympics, General Elections, Jubilees and Royal Birthdays.

Remembrance Day, Guy Fawkes, Mother’s Day, St Valentine’s Day.

St George’s Day, Church Calendar Events.

Other Cultural Celebrations:-

Divali, Chinese New Year, Multicultural Arts Week, French Bistro Day, Music lessons – songs from other cultures.