Welcome Back! – a very Happy New Year to you and your families, we hope that you’ve all enjoyed the festivities over the holidays!
It has been lovely to see all the children excited to be back at school and seeing all their friends after the Christmas break.
This week we welcomed Laia to Y2, who has settled in nicely over the last few days, we also welcomed Gabriel to Nursery on Wednesday. We are sure they will both be very happy here at Leck.
Class Newsletters – please find attached a separate infant and junior class newsletter giving you specific information on the focus of studies for this term.
School Times – as a polite reminder school starts at 9am and finishes at 3.15pm. The doors are open from 8.50am and all children should be in school ready for lessons by 9am. If children arrive after 9am, they should enter via the office door.
Please can we encourage all parents to leave children at the classroom door and refrain from entering the classroom to assist children in taking off coats and shoes – we are trying to encourage independence.
After School Club –
Dance – we have had a good take up for the dance after school sessions which start today. If your child/ren would like to join from next week please email Mrs Knapp.
Wellbeing Warriors – Tuesday 10th January – these sessions are designed to incorporate elements of yoga, relaxation and mindfulness in a fun way. We will practise mindfulness through movement, breathing techniques, yoga, games, music and art. Your child will learn valuable skills to build confidence and resilience, and learn techniques to manage anxiety and stress. If you are interested in your children joining please email Mrs Knapp. Payment will then be made available on SchoolMoney.
Walk 2 School – our next Walk to School is on Tuesday 10th January. As always, any children taking part will enjoy breakfast together when they arrive at school. We will meet at 8.20am in the carpark at the back of Cowan Bridge Village Stores.
Eco-Club – Hot Chocolate and… will continue on a Tuesday starting next week.
Any children wishing to have hot chocolate and a snack should bring in £4.50 in a named envelope to cover to the end of term.
Dance – junior children will have dance lessons on Wednesday afternoons from 11th January throughout the spring term. Please make sure they have their correct PE kits in school.
School Admissions September 2023 – primary school applications close next Sunday (15th January), please apply via your local county council website, if this is Lancashire County Council visit www.lancashire.gov.uk and search “school admissions”.
KS2 Acro / Gymnastics Competition – 9th February – a few children have volunteered to be involved in this competition. Mrs Jones will be running practises on a Thursday after school from 3.15-4.15pm. Please can parents let us know by Monday if their children are unable to commit to these practises.
Half Term – please note that February half term is a week after many of the other schools in Lancashire this year, we are closed from Monday 20th – Friday 24th February.
Please see link below for a list of our term dates for 2023/2024 https://www.leck-st-peters.lancs.sch.uk/index.php/about-our-school/information/term-dates/
Coming up in January:
- Tuesday 10th January – mindfulness / wellbeing after school club starts
- Thursday 12th January – swimming continues
- Friday 13th January – Y2 fire safety talk with Lancaster Fire Station
- Friday 13th January – dance after school club
- Wednesday 18th January – young leaders sports award
- Tuesday 24th January – infants to Wildlife Oasis
- Wednesday 25th January – young leaders sports award
- Wednesday 25th January – parents maths information evening – 6pm – all parents