This week has been relatively quiet in school as the Y6s prepare for their SATs. The children have been working very hard preparing for next week and we know they will all do their absolute best. We are encouraging the children not to worry about the week, but make sure they have good nights’ sleep and a hearty breakfast each day to help them feel ready for the tests. This week children have also been busy preparing for the King’s Coronation, which was topped of nicely today with the juniors baking coronation pasties and the infants making cakes to enjoy at our tea party. The children all looked splendid in their red, white and blue clothes (featuring a couple of crowns) and have enjoyed some royal games this afternoon. Pictures will be added to our Facebook page!
On Tuesday, our infant children thoroughly enjoyed their Outdoor Education Day at Borwick Hall, children took part in various activities, including a pirate themed adventure along the canal.
Class Newsletters – apologies for the delay in sending these out to all parents this half-term. Individual topic sheets are attached which outline the focus of studies for this half-term.
Hair – we’ve noticed children have started coming to school with their long hair down. Please can we ask that all children with hair which is long enough to be tied up do so. This includes clipping back fringes. Children will be more able to focus on their work and see what they’re doing more clearly. Thank you.
Infants Journeys Trip – Tuesday 9th May. Children will need to be dropped off (9am) at Devils Bridge and collected from Booths (3.05pm) on the day of the trip. A full information sheet is attached. Payment of £6.00 per child can be made on SchoolMoney and £4.00 should be brought in cash on the day for the children to pay their own bus fare. Any siblings in the junior class can be dropped off at 8.50am.
End of SATs Treat – the Y6 children have opted to watch a film next Friday afternoon with the junior class, as a celebration for finishing their SATs – children have chosen Shrek which is a PG, please let us know if you would rather your child/ren didn’t watch it.
Juniors Labyrinth Visit – all junior children have been invited to St Mary’s Church in Kirkby Lonsdale on Wednesday 24th May. Children will be transported from school by coach and take part in 3 workshops, before being collected by parents at the Church at 3.15pm. A full information sheet will follow.
PTFA News –
Film Night – Thursday 25th May – 3.15pm-5.30pm
£5.00 per child to include refreshments. Please RSVP via email if your child/ren wish to attend.
Summer 100 Square – each square is £1, the winner will be drawn at the film night and will win 50% of the number of squares sold with the other 50% going into PTFA funds!
Please speak to Rachael Booth or send money in a clearly marked envelope and we will pass it on to the PTFA.
Y6 SATs:
- Tuesday 9th May – SPAG & Spelling
- Wednesday 10th May – Reading
- Thursday 11th May – Maths 1 & 2
- Friday 12th May – Maths 3
What’s on this week:
- Monday 8th May – Coronation Bank Holiday
- Tuesday 9th – Friday 12th – Y6 SATs
- Tuesday 9th May – infants journeys trip
Coming up this half-term:
- Monday 15th May – parents celebration assembly for ALL children
- Monday 15th – Friday 19th May – Walk2School week – 8.20am @ Cowan Bridge, every day
- Tuesday 16th May – whole school forest school session to Springs Wood
- Wednesday 17th May – juniors cross country @ Tatham Fells
- Wednesday 24th May – junior visit to St Mary’s Church KL
- Friday 26th May – Bishop Philip visit
- Friday 26th May – school closes for half-term.