We’ve had a lovely week in school. This week in school we have been thinking about anti-bullying week and how we can reach out to other people if we are being bullied or see other children being bullied. We joined the nation by wearing our odd socks on Monday, to show that we’re all different, but all important. We joined in a live lesson and had lots of discussions about how we can deal with bullying to put an end to it. Well done everyone for your wonderful ideas.
The Upper Junior children had a great morning at Kendal Mountain Festival where they saw lots of different presentations from world class adventurers.
Governors – a letter from the Lune Valley Federation Governing Body is attached to the bottom of this newsletter.
Vacancies – an advert has gone out for 2 part-time midday supervisor positions – please share with anyone you think may be interested.
We are ideally looking for 2 members of staff, every weekday to cover lunchtime (one includes collection and transportation of meals from Melling).
KS2 Swimming Gala – Wednesday 22nd November – a group of upper junior children will be heading off to Bay Leadership Academy on Wednesday to take part in a cluster swimming gala. A full information sheet is attached, but please note all children will need a packed lunch as they’re not expected to return to school until around 1.30pm.
Juniors – on Wednesday 6th December all KS2 children will be filming a persuasive advert using green screen technology on the iPads. They are invited to wear Christmas jumpers or T-shirts instead of school jumpers. They cannot be green as they will disappear on the video!
Parent Help – we are once again appealing for help to replace the fence posts around the reflective garden. If any parents are able to stay behind on Thursday after school we would be extremely grateful. Just turn up with your screwdriver! Many thanks to Guy Thompson for organising and delivering the wood earlier this week.
REMINDER: Fish – our four fish friends are looking for a loving home over the Christmas holidays. Please contact Mrs Jones if you would be able to take care of them over the holidays – ideally being collected on Friday 15th December. Thank you.
REMINDER: Christmas Activity Day – 29th November 2023 – please could children start to collect cardboard tubes eg kitchen roll tubes and 500ml plastic bottles for our activity day. We would also be interested in any surplus to requirements purple / white / silver Christmas tree decorations. Thank you.
REMINDER: Eco-School News – this year, we would like to encourage all children NOT to send each and every child in the class / school (in some cases) a Christmas card. Whilst we celebrate the act of giving, we would like to actively encourage all children to just send one card, or draw a festive picture, which we can display in school over the festive period.
PTFA News –
Meeting – the PTFA will be meeting in school on Monday at 2pm to discuss plans for this half term, including Christmas events. Please do come along if you’re able to offer any help / support. All money raised by the PTFA benefits all children in school.
Pottery Evening – Thursday 23rd November @ 6.30pm – with Rachel in the Dales Pottery. £25.00 per person – includes refreshments. Please see all details on the poster attached and let Mrs Knapp know if you would like to book.
Easy Fundraising – please don’t forget to support the PTFA by using the Easy Fundraising website or downloading the app – it’s straightforward to use, and schools can raise amazing amounts of money. All you need to do is create an account and set your cause to St Peter’s School Leck, the website is https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stpetersceprimaryschoolleck/
Coming up this week
- 21st November – Walk 2 School – 8.20am @ Cowan Bridge Stores
- 21st November – After school herbalist club – 3.15-4.45pm
- 22nd November – KS2 Swimming – cluster event
- 23rd November – Swimming continues
- 23rd November – Parent help – 3.15pm
Coming up this half term
- 29th November – Christmas activity day
- 30th November – Yogi Group – Mental Health Day
- 30th November – Nasal flu vaccine – am – opted in children
- 1st December – Spelling Bee competition
- 5th December – Walk 2 School – 8.20am @ Cowan Bridge Stores
- 11th December – Christmas production – 2pm & 6pm
- 13th December – Christmas pantomime – am
- 18th December – Christmas party day
- 19th December – last day of term.
17th November 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As you will be aware, Mr Stafford-Roberts is retiring at the end of the current school term. It has not yet proved possible to appoint a new Headteacher.
We are now in a position, however, to let you know that, with the support of the Diocesan Team, the Local Authority and the DBE Services School Improvement Team, we have been fortunate to secure the appointment of Mrs Nicole Davison as Associate Headteacher of the Federation for the next two terms.
The governors look forward to welcoming her and are confident that the skills and experience which she brings will undoubtedly be of significant benefit to both schools, ensuring that they continue to move forward during this interim period.
The process for recruiting a permanent Headteacher will resume in the Spring term for a September 2024 appointment.
Peter King Chair of Governors
Stuart Hemmingway Vice-chair of Governors.