We’ve had another lovely week in school. This week all children have been very busy practising and preparing for the much-anticipated Christmas production. All children should have come home with a letter regarding costumes (if they require anything). Please ensure this is in school by Monday 4th December, in a named carrier bag. Thank you.
On Tuesday, Mrs Mather was joined by 11 walkers who all enjoyed breakfast when they arrived in school. Huge thank you to Cowan Bridge Village Store for our breakfast goodies! Our next Walk2School – and the last of 2023 – will be on Tuesday 5th December.
On Wednesday, Mrs Elliott and a team of 8 upper junior swimmers headed out to the cluster Swimming Gala. Children, as always were great ambassadors for the school, encouraging their teammates and trying their best. Well done team!
On Thursday evening, Mr Stafford-Roberts and Ben Fawcett (Noah’s dad) replaced some of the fence posts around the reflective garden, thank you for giving up your time to keep our school looking its best!
– they didn’t have time to finish it all, so if anyone would be able to, it would be greatly appreciated.
Vacancies – an advert has gone out for 2 part-time midday supervisor positions – please share with anyone you think may be interested.
We are ideally looking for 2 members of staff, every weekday to cover lunchtime (one includes collection and transportation of meals from Melling).
Forest School Session – National Tree Day – the whole school will come together on Monday 27th November to celebrate National Tree Week. We will be taking part in some Forest School type activities. Children should come to school dressed in outdoor clothes (that you don’t mind getting mucky!)
Mental Health & Wellbeing Day – on Thursday 30th November, the Yogi Group will be visiting school and will work with children to give them specific skills to help improve mental wellness, including anxiety-relieving techniques, breathing techniques, yoga poses and mindful movements. Please can all children wear warm clothes, suitable for PE activities (joggers / hoodie & a t-shirt).
REMINDER: Juniors – on Wednesday 6th December all KS2 children will be filming a persuasive advert using green screen technology on the iPads. They are invited to wear Christmas jumpers or T-shirts instead of school jumpers. They cannot be green as they will disappear on the video!
Christmas Lunch – all children have had a Christmas Lunch ordered for Tuesday 12th December, if you DO NOT want your child/ren to have a Christmas lunch in school, please email me to OPT OUT. Payment will be available on our SchoolMoney online platform.
Seasonal Sickness – it is that time again for coughs, colds, flu and outbreaks of norovirus, which impacts on us all, and not in a good way! We are therefore reminding you all of the importance of being vigilant for diarrhoea and vomiting (D&V) episodes. Thorough hand washing with liquid soap and water is the most effective preventative measure, however, in the event of infection, children with D&V should not return to school until they have been symptom free for 48 hours. There is infection control guidance in the parent advice section of the website.
Stamps – we have a large quantity of barcoded stamps in the office – if you would like to buy any at the current cost, please pop into the office and we can sell them – just in time for the Christmas cards! £1.25 First Class and 75p Second Class.
PTFA News –
Mufti Day – children can come to school in their own clothes on Friday next week, in return for any item suitable for a Christmas Hamper, which will be raffled off over the Festive period. Thank you.
Santa’s Grotto – the PTFA have very kindly organised for Father Christmas to visit us at school on Monday 18th December. He will be all set up in the Hobbit House (aka Santa’s Grotto!) Children will be taken down in groups and will all receive a gift. The PTFA are asking for £5.00 donation per child towards the cost of the gifts. Please send in to the school office in a named envelope by 4th December. Pre-school children are welcome to join us at 3pm. If you do not want your child to visit Father Christmas in school please do let us know. Thank you.
Easy Fundraising – please don’t forget to support the PTFA by using the Easy Fundraising website or downloading the app – it’s straightforward to use, and schools can raise amazing amounts of money. All you need to do is create an account and set your cause to St Peter’s School Leck, the website is https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stpetersceprimaryschoolleck/
Coming up this week
- 27th November – Forest school session – all children
- 28th November – After school herbalist club – 3.15-4.45pm
29th November – Christmas activity day - 30th November – Yogi Group – Mental Health Day
- 30th November – Nasal flu vaccine – am – opted in children
- 30th November – Swimming continues
- 1st December – Mufti Day for hamper goodies
- 1st December – Spelling Bee competition
Coming up this half term
- 5th December – Walk 2 School – 8.20am @ Cowan Bridge Stores
- 11th December – Christmas production – 2pm & 6pm
- 13th December – Christmas pantomime – am
- 18th December – Christmas party day
- 18th December – Santa’s Grotto
- 19th December – last day of term.