
Happy New Year and welcome back to school. This week, albeit short, has been a busy week.
On Wednesday all children were introduced to Mrs Nicole Davison, our new associate head teacher. Nicole has joined us on secondment from Lancaster Christ Church and will be with us until the end of the Summer term. We also welcomed our new SENCO, Mrs Erin Jones. We are sure you will all make them both feel very welcome. 
On Wednesday, we had our Welcome Back to School morning – children enjoyed a more relaxed start to the school term and caught up with friends.
On Thursday, Mrs Jones planned a French morning where children were very welcoming to our French visitors. They all enjoyed the café at break time – please consider sending in £2.00 per child or £3.00 per family if you haven’t already done so. Thank you.

Housekeeping – as we start the new term, we thought it might be a good idea to run through a few school reminders.
School starts promptly at 9am – doors are open from 8.50am and all children should be in school, sat at their tables ready for lessons by 9am.
School finishes at 3.15pm – unless children are booked in to one of the two current after school clubs – herbalist club on a Tuesday which finishes at 4.45pm or dance on a Wednesday which finishes at 4.15pm.
Our uniform is straightforward – a school jumper, T-shirt and black or grey trousers, shorts or skirt. All children need their correct PE kit in school – school PE T-shirt and sweatshirt, blue or black shorts, trainers or pumps. A spare pair of socks would also be very handy!
All children (both girls and boys) with hair which is long enough to be tied up should come to school with their hair brushed and tied up neatly, all fringes should be clipped back from around their face if they are beyond eye level. Thank you.

Infants – homework reminders – Y1 – please check in number folders for new number facts to practice. Y2 – times tables are being sent home to learn – please check in the number folder. Reception – please can the keywords and sounds sent home be practiced regularly. Thank you.

School Value – our value for this half-term is “peace”. Assemblies and class worship will be focused on this value and children in school who show peace will be celebrated. Our school value changes every half-term.

Eco-Club – Hot Chocolate and… will return from Tuesday 9th January. Any children wishing to have hot chocolate and a snack on a Tuesday morning should bring in £3.75 in a named envelope (by Monday) which will cover to half term.

After School Club
Dance – we have had a good take up for the dance after school sessions which start on Wednesday, but there is still space if your child/ren would like to join, please email Mrs Knapp.
Payment has been set up on SchoolMoney for the parents who signed their child/ren up prior to the Christmas break.

Welfare Assistant – we are still looking for a welfare assistant, are you or anyone you know interested?  We need someone to help serve meals and supervise the children during their midday break.  The vacancy is term time only covering Monday-Friday from 11.45am – 1.15pm.  Please contact the office for more details.

REMINDER: School Admissions September 2024 – Lancashire County Councils online application system is now open for applications for 2024 – www.lancashire.gov.uk (search “school admissions”) The closing date for applications is:

If you live in either North Yorkshire or Cumbria, you will need to apply for secondary or primary school places via their website.

REMINDER: KS1 Photography Competition – over the festive period, Mrs Mather challenged all KS1 children (Y1 & Y2) to enter her Winter photography competition. Children can either email their entries or bring them in to school before next Friday. Thank you.

REMINDER: Pringles! – if anyone happens to pop open a tube of Pringles (or similar) please can you kindly save any tubes & lids for the juniors who will all need one for an upcoming Art project. Thank you.

Coming up this week

Coming up in January