We have had a relatively quiet week in school! Due to the wild weather, unfortunately the KS1 multi-skills event due to take place on Tuesday was postponed. We will let parents know the new date as and when we have it.
This morning in school, all children have taken part in the annual RSPB Big Bird Watch event. Details for an art competition for all children to get involved with are attached.
Contacting Staff – please can all parents / carers be aware that school staff can be contacted on their work email address, via the office or briefly at the start and end of the school day. Appointments can be made if you need to speak with staff about any aspect of school. If your child/ren have any medical appointments, are off school poorly etc. please use the correct channels to let school know. Thank you for understanding.
Infants Forest School – the infants will be resuming their Forest School Adventures on Tuesday with a visit to the wooded area here at school. They should come to school dressed in appropriate outdoor clothing suitable for the weather including waterproofs and wellies.
Year 1 & 2s – please can all Y1 and Y2 children bring in a wedding photograph, if they have one, for an RE lesson on Friday 2nd February, it would be helpful if you can talk to children about the photograph first. Thank you.
Young Voices – children will be leaving school at approximately 12noon. Children will need to bring a packed lunch, a packed tea, and drinks – no glass bottles are allowed in the arena. All children should come to school in their uniforms, with a plain white t-shirt. We will keep you informed by Teachers2Parents, regarding the time you will need to pick your child up from school, it is likely to be around 11.00pm. Parent tickets are now available to be collected from the office.
A medical form is coming home will all children – please fill out and return to school ASAP to ensure we have the most up to date medical and contact information. Thank you.
Children’s Mental Health Week – will take place from 5th – 11th February 2024. The theme this year is ‘My Voice Matters’. Over the course of the week Mrs Jones has planned lots of different activities, but we would like to invite children to join in and wear their scarf to school on Friday 9th February.
School Trips –
Reception, Y1 & 2 – Dales Museum – Tuesday 6th February – children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 will be travelling up to Hawes to visit the Dales Museum.
Payment of £6.50 towards the cost of the trip has been made available on SchoolMoney.
Juniors – Heysham Power Station – Thursday 22nd February – all junior children will be visiting Heysham Power Station to aid their science topic.
Payment of £6.50 per child, towards the cost of the trip has been added to SchoolMoney.
We would like to thank our wonderful PTFA for agreeing to donate towards the cost of transport for these trips and making them affordable for families.
Seasonal Sickness – it is that time again for coughs, colds, flu and outbreaks of norovirus, which impacts on us all, and not in a good way! We are therefore reminding you all of the importance of being vigilant for diarrhoea and vomiting (D&V) episodes/outbreaks. Thorough hand washing with liquid soap and water is the most effective preventative measure, however, in the event of infection, children with D&V should not return to school until they have been symptom free for 48 hours. There is infection control guidance in the parent advice section of the website.
Measles – please find attached a letter from the Director of Public Health & Wellbeing regarding measles cases rising in England and the importance of vaccinations.
Daffodils – this week we can see the buds of our daffodils starting to grow. To protect them as they grow, please can all parents encourage children to stick to the path as they come to and from school. We can’t wait to see all the daffodils in full bloom again.
Welfare Assistant – we are still looking for a welfare assistant, are you or anyone you know interested? We need someone to help serve meals and supervise the children during their midday break. The vacancy is term time only covering Monday-Friday from 11.45am – 1.15pm. Please contact the office for more details.
Edinburgh Residential Visit – regular payment instalments have been set up on SchoolMoney. The first instalment is due by 31st January 2024. Thank you.
Coming up this week
- 30th January – infants Forest School day
- 30th January – after school herbalist club – 3.15-4.45pm
- 31st January – dance after school club – 3.15-4.15pm
- 1st February – swimming continues
Coming up this half-term
- 5th February – Young Voices – upper juniors
- 6th February – Dales Museum – infants
- 9th February – Wear your scarf to school day
- 9th February – school closes for half-term.
Measles Letter 25 January 2024
Leck’s Big Garden Bird Watch Art Competition 2024