We have had a good first week back in school! On Monday, the children were welcomed back to school with our values morning based on ‘Kindness’. Children were able to choose from a range of activities to remind them about self-care and the importance of being kind to themselves.
On Tuesday a group of children from the junior class went to Arkholme to take part in the cluster football tournament. As always, we were super proud of all the children, the effort they put in and their behaviour outside of the classroom, however, upon our return to school we had received an email from a spectator which we wanted to share a little snippet from:
“Leck showed team spirit all day. Never gave up, gave everyone a game and should be more proud than any team who attended today of the people they are, they conceded a few goals and continued to smile and enjoy the day.
They were cartwheeling on the hill, smiling and being kind to each other after games.
They may not have won the tournament, but their team spirit made my day. Your school should be
exceptionally proud of their wonderful ambassadors and the staff.”
As some parents may already be aware, just prior to the Easter break a member of our school family was diagnosed with Leukaemia. Elyica, 3, started nursery with us in September and quickly settled in to school life here with her friends.
Elycia is receiving treatment at Manchester Childrens Hospital, where she is accompanied by her mum, dad and little sister. Family and friends of Elycia’s family have started fundraising to support them during this difficult time. Please find attached a poster for an upcoming coffee morning. Please see Mrs Knapp if you would like any raffle tickets.
We are sure you will join us in sending lots of love and prayers to Elycia during her treatment.
Class Newsletters – please find attached a separate infant and junior class newsletter giving you specific information on the focus of studies for this term.
School Value – our value for this half-term is “kindness”. Assemblies and class worship will be focused on this value and children in school who show kindness will be celebrated. Our school value changes every half-term.
REMINDER: Absences – please can all pupil absences be emailed in to me at school by 8.30am – bursar@leck-st-peters.lancs.sch.uk
Lancashire Adult Learning – Craft Session – thank you to all the parents who have agreed to accompany their child/ren on Monday. The session begins at 9.30 and runs until 12noon. We are looking forward to welcoming you all into school for the morning. Refreshments will be provided.
Eco-Club – Snack & Drink… will continue on Tuesday. We are hoping the weather will be nice enough for juice and ice lollies! Any children wishing to join in should bring in £3.75 in a named envelope to cover to the end May half-term.
PE Kit – please can all children remember to return their PE kit. As we are now in the summer months, we will be outside for our PE lessons, so please bring appropriate clothing and footwear. Thank you.
Golf – the after-school golf sessions start next Wednesday for all registered children. We are hopeful the sessions will run outside, weather permitting. Children will need outdoor shoes and appropriate outdoor PE kit.
REMINDER: After School Clubs – payment is available on SchoolMoney for the two after school clubs, please can we encourage parents to make payment this week.
Staff Vacancies – we are looking for a Teaching Assistant, please click the link for more details:
Non-teaching school vacancies (lancashire.gov.uk)
SEEKING: Welfare Assistant – we are still looking for a welfare assistant, are you or do you know anyone who may be interested? Please share.
We need someone to help serve meals and supervise the children during their midday break. The vacancy is term time only covering Monday-Friday from 11.15am – 1.15pm – this includes collection of meals from Melling. Please contact the office for more details.
Coming up this week
- 22nd April – LAL craft session – 9.30-12.00
- 23rd April – after school herbalist club – 3.15-4.45pm
- 24th April – golf club starts for registered children – 3.15-4.15pm
- 25th April – gym club continues – 3.15-4.15pm
Coming up this half-term
- 30th April – library bus visit
- 2nd May – Life Education visit
- 6th May – May Day Bank Holiday – school closed
- 7th May – Walk2School
- 13th May – SATs week
- 13th May – Infants Borwick Hall visit (R, Y1 & 2)
- 21st May – cluster netball tournament
- 22nd May – cluster cross country event
- 24th May – school closes for half term.