This week has been relatively quiet in school as our Y6s prepare for their SATs next week. The children have been working very hard and we know they will all try their absolute best, and this is all we ask for. We are encouraging the children not to worry about the week, enjoy the weekend, but make sure they have good nights’ sleep and a hearty breakfast each day to help them feel ready for the tests.
Infants Outdoor Education Day – all our infant children (R, Y1 & 2) will be taking part in an outdoor education day at Borwick Hall Education Centre on Monday 13th May – a full information sheet was attached to the newsletter last week, alongside a medical form and photograph consent form – please fill out and return. If you require printed copies, please let me know. The kit list is attached to today’s email.
REMINDER: Outdoor Area – our children and Mrs Mather have been working closely with Alex from Where the Wildings are! to upgrade our outdoor area. We have designed some plans, but now the FUNdraising starts! Parts of the project will be relatively straightforward and will just need (wo)manpower and time and others will cost. A list of some of the jobs that can be started anytime are at the bottom of this newsletter.
Unfortunately, due to health and safety reasons, our sponsored walk is not a viable event. We would need mountain leaders to lead the walk, which would end up costing too much before we started. We are already busy planning other fundraising ideas, please let us know if you have any suggestions. Thank you.
End of SATs Treat – the Y6 children have opted to watch a film on Thursday with the junior class, as a celebration for finishing their SATs – children have chosen The Super Mario Bros movie, which is a PG, please let us know if you would rather your child/ren didn’t watch it.
Summer Weather – as we have seen a little glimpse of summer this week, children are encouraged to bring sun hats / caps and apply suncream when applicable.
School Times – as a polite reminder school starts at 9am and finishes at 3.15pm. The doors are open from 8.50am and all children should be in school ready for lessons by 9am. If children arrive after 9am, they should enter via the office door.
SEEKING: Welfare Assistant – we are still looking for a welfare assistant, are you or do you know anyone who may be interested? Please share.
We need someone to help serve meals and supervise the children during their midday break. The vacancy is term time only covering Monday-Friday from 11.15am – 1.15pm – this includes collection of meals from Melling. Please contact the office for more details.
PTFA News –
Mufti Day – children are invited to come to school in their own clothes on Friday 24th May, in exchange for a bottle for our bottle tombola.
Summer Social – we are beginning to organise a summer social. More details to follow.
Outdoor Jobs –
- Pond dredging
- Making the area around the pond secure
- Planting some apple trees
- Digging out an area between the playground and the goal posts (digger can be supplied – if anyone can use one)
Please let us know if you can help with any of these jobs. Thank you in advance.
Coming up this week
- 13th May – SATs week
- 13th May – Infants Borwick Hall visit (R, Y1 & 2)
- 14th May – after school herbalist club – 3.15-4.45pm
- 15th May – golf club continues– 3.15-4.15pm
- 16th May – gym club continues – 3.15-4.15pm
Y6 SATs:
- Monday 13th May – SPAG & Spelling
- Tuesday 14th May – Reading
- Wednesday 15th May – Maths 1 & 2
- Thursday 16th May – Maths 3
Coming up this half-term
- 22nd May – cluster cross country event
- 24th May – mufti day for bottles
- 24th May – school closes for half term.