
This week has been relatively quiet in school, as we all look forward to our half-term break to ready us up for a very busy last half term of school.   
On Wednesday afternoon, the weather meant the Cluster Cross Country at Tatham Fells unfortunately had to be cancelled. The rearranged date is when our Upper Juniors are in Edinburgh, so we won’t be participating on this occasion.
Earlier today, we said goodbye to Mrs Whitwell who has been a super welfare assistant who we’ve all very much enjoyed working alongside and we will really miss in school. Thank you Mrs Whitwell.

School Value – our value for this half-term was “kindness”. We have focused on this in our assemblies and class worship. This half term in school we have celebrated children who have shown kindness in various different ways; well done to our stars of the week during Summer term 1:

Walk 2 School – our next Walk to School is on Tuesday 4th June. As always, any children taking part will enjoy breakfast together when they arrive at school. We will meet at 8.20am in the carpark at the back of Cowan Bridge Village Stores.

Parents Meeting – EdinburghMrs Davison is holding an information session for all parents of pupils going on the Edinburgh Residential Trip at the beginning of July. The meeting will be held at Hornby St Margaret’s on Tuesday 4th June at 3.45pm, please try to attend.

Eco-Club – Snack & Drink… will continue on Tuesday after the half-term. We are hoping the weather will be nice enough for juice and ice lollies!
Any children wishing to join in should bring in £5.00 in a named envelope to cover to the end of term.

After School Clubs –
Junior Golf – this will resume on Wednesday 5th June – 3.15pm – 4.15pm – Y1-Y6 – until the end of Summer term. Payment has been made available on SchoolMoney for all those currently attending.

Upper Juniors Rounders – some of our junior children will be taking part in a cluster rounders tournament at Hornby St Margaret’s on Thursday 6th June. A full information sheet is attached for those involved.   

Juniors News
DT – next term, our juniors we will be creating a patchwork blanket in DT, any old clothes that we could reuse to create this would be very welcome please.
English – during the first week back after half term, to introduce our English text, that is linked to our WW2 history topic we will be listening to the air raid siren. If your feel your child will be upset by this, please speak to Mrs Tidd / Mrs Jones.  

French Day Mrs Jones would like a huge collection of junk modelling materials ready for French day (Monday 17th June). Please can you save up clean cardboard boxes, tubes and plastics and send them in on Thursday 13th or Friday 14th June (not before as we have nowhere to store it) thank you.   

REMINDER: Water Bottles – it would be helpful if all junior children could bring a water bottle to school daily. The children have outdoor PE lessons, and it is becoming increasingly distracting when numerous children are needing to come inside for drinks; they can take their own water bottles outside more easily.

REMINDER: Outdoor Jobs

Please let us know if you can help with any of these jobs. Thank you in advance.

Pond Dredging – Alex from Where the Wildings are is coming to school on Wednesday 5th June to help clear the pond with some groups of children. Parent volunteers are very welcome to stay and join in from 9am. If anyone has any garden tools and a strimmer, these would be very useful.

PTFA News –
TODAY: Tuck Shop – end of term sweet treats – 50p bags of sweets will be available from the PTFA tuck shop at the end of the school day.
Mufti Day – thank you to all children who wore their own clothes today in exchange for a bottle for our bottle tombola which will happen at our summer social.
Summer Social – we are beginning to organise a summer social. More details to follow.

Coming up the first week back

Coming up next half-term