
What a busy first week back! We hope everyone enjoyed the half-term break and is ready to go for the final half-term of the year. This week it has been lovely to welcome Violet to our junior class, she has had a very settled first week and we hope she will be very happy here at Leck. Welcome Violet and family.
On Tuesday morning just 7 children joined Mrs Mather for Walk2School – we didn’t get the best of the weather. Our next Walk2School will be on Tuesday 18th June. 
Mrs Davison held a parent meeting regarding the Edinburgh residential on Tuesday afternoon – thank you to those parents who could make it. Kit lists and itinerary are coming home with children today if you were unable to attend the meeting.
On Thursday, Mrs Elliott took a team of upper juniors out to the cluster Rounders Tournament at Hornby. As always, our children showed great sportsmanship, worked really well as a team and finished third overall! Well done team, we are all very proud of you!

School Value – our value for this half-term is “goodness”. Assemblies and class worship will be focused on this value and children in school who show goodness will be celebrated. Our school value changes every half-term.

Tower Wood – next Monday the junior class will be visiting Tower Wood Outdoor Centre. This activity centre on the shores of Lake Windermere offers a wide range of both land and water-based activities, perfect for a day’s adventure! There will be no charge for these trips, school will be covering the cost of both transport and instructors. Children should wear their own warm clothes, outdoor shoes or boots and will need a waterproof coat.  Waterproof trousers would also be useful if they have them. They will require a packed lunch. We have a full day planned and will not be back at school until 5.15pm.  An information sheet was sent earlier today. Should anyone have any concerns or queries please let us know.

PE Kit – please can all children remember to return their PE kit. As we are now in the summer months, we will be outside for our PE lessons, so please bring appropriate clothing and footwear. Thank you.

Reception & Nursery – please can all Reception children, and children who attend Nursery on a Monday morning bring in a clean jam jar with lid for an activity on Monday. Thank you.

Eco-Club – Snack & Drink… continues on Tuesday. We are hoping the weather will be nice enough for juice and ice lollies!
Any children wishing to join in should bring in £4.50 in a named envelope to cover to the end of term.

Whole School Photo – Tempest Photography will be in school on Wednesday morning to take our whole school group photo – lets hope the weather is kind for an outside photograph! Please send children with clean uniform, tidy hair and their best smiles!

Dales Museum Friday 14th June – our junior class will be travelling up to Hawes to visit the Dales Museum. A full information sheet is attached.
Thank you to our wonderful PTFA for funding the cost of the coach to make this a free trip for families.

Subjects Week – week commencing 17th June 2024, the whole school will be celebrating certain subjects from our curriculum.
Monday – French / DT
Tuesday – Art
Wednesday – Maths
Thursday – Science
Friday – Forest School – outdoor education

French / DT Day children will visit the French cafe where they can order a breakfast snack by speaking French. We are asking parents to consider paying a donation of £2 per child or £3 per family for this day. Please send cash into school in a named envelope. Thank you.
Mrs Jones would like a huge collection of junk modelling materials ready for French day (Monday 17th June). Please can you save up clean cardboard boxes, tubes and plastics and send them in on Thursday 13th or Friday 14th June (not before as we have nowhere to store it) thank you.   
We would also like to invite any parents who are able and would like to come in to school to help with our French / DT project on Monday afternoon from 1pm – please let us know if you’re able to attend. Thank you.

REMINDER: Juniors News
DT – this term, our juniors we will be creating a patchwork blanket in DT, any old clothes that we could reuse to create this would be very welcome please.

Coming up next week

Coming up this half-term