
What a strangely quiet end to the week we’ve had! As our eldest children return from their residential visit to Edinburgh, it has been very quiet – we can’t wait to hear all about it next week!
On Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon, we had the last of our new starters transition days. These children have all been with us in Nursery, so we know they will settle very quickly into life in Reception from September.
On Monday afternoon, we welcomed the Annapurna Indian Dance Company into school where we celebrated ‘A Tree in Time’. This project brought together Indian dance whilst also learning all about climate change to make children think about what they can do to help. All children had a brilliant time, and it was lovely to welcome so many parents to the tree planting ceremony.
On Thursday, Alex from the Where the Wildings Are project came into school for an hour to do a session on ‘minibeasts’. We found lots of small creatures around our grounds!

Whole School Photo – an email was sent with a link to view and order the whole school photograph last week. Please let me know if you haven’t received it.

REMINDER: Trophies & Badges – please can all trophies for end of year awards, spelling bee and school council & librarian badges be returned to the office on Monday.

REMINDER: Whole School TripMonday 8th July – our annual whole school trip takes us to the Buddhist Temple in Ulverston this year. Children from Reception to Year 6 will have a guided tour of the temple and have the opportunity to take part in a meditation session.
Our Nursery will therefore be closed on Monday 8th July as we will not be back in school until 3.15pm. Children will be able to choose an alternative day to attend that week.     

Infants History Day – children in Reception, Y1 & 2 are looking at seaside holidays in the past and will be celebrating on Tuesday. Children are encouraged to come to school in their beach clothes!

Kwik Cricket – a team of upper juniors will be taking part in a Kwik Cricket tournament on Wednesday morning. An information sheet is attached for the children taking part. Please note children will need a packed lunch.   

REMINDER: Sports Day – we are really looking forward to Sports Day on Thursday 11th July at 1.15pm. Children should bring in a t-shirt in their house colour. If your child/ren are unsure of which house team they are in please email and we will let you know.
The PTFA will be serving refreshments – they would be very grateful for donations of scones / butter / jam / cream and biscuits / cakes.  

Leavers’ Service – we expect to see all families in church for the end of year service on Monday 15th July at 4.00pm to say a final farewell to our Year 6 children and families. Parents are invited to come into school at 3.15pm for refreshments before the service.

REMINDER: School Meals – a letter was attached last week regarding school meals for September onwards. Please return the slip, or email Mrs Knapp with requirements. If your child is entitled to infant free school meals (R, Y1 & 2) we will assume they will be having a school meal daily unless we are told otherwise. Thank you. 

Juniors Film – after watching the opening evacuation scenes of ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ for one of our WW2 lessons, the Juniors are keen to watch the rest of the film as an end of term treat. The film is rated PG. If you would rather your child did not watch the film, please let Mrs Tidd know. Thank you.

Fish-sitters Wanted! – the Juniors’ pet fish are looking for a holiday home for the summer break. Our fish are well behaved, show impeccable manners and come with food for the duration. If you are able to offer a well-earned holiday for our fishy friends, please contact Mrs Jones or Mrs Knapp. Thank you.

PTFA News – Summer Social – Thursday 11th July from 3.15pm in school (straight after sports day!)
BBQ from 4pm. Games, races, prizes, bottle tombola and raffle. Please bring change!
Any raffle donations greatly appreciated. All raffle tickets – sold and unsold – should be returned to the office by Tuesday.  
All proceeds from PTFA events benefit all children in school, please support us!

School Uniform – we have a great selection of pre-loved uniform available in school. Please pop in and have a look, items are all priced at £1 donation to the PTFA. 
Parents may also like to start thinking of putting in their uniform orders for September – we now have a new supplier – Uniform and Leisurewear – you can purchase items online or in their shop at Morecambe.


Children should be arriving at school wearing our school colours (jade – not any other shade of green):

Children will need a pair of outdoor shoes / wellies in school which can be worn for outside play, but school shoes must be worn inside. 

 For PE children should wear:

Coming up next week

Coming up this half-term