This week has been quiet in school as the children all get settled into the new academic year.
Music Tuition – thank you to all those who have expressed an interest in individual music tuition. We will forward out more details including costings and start dates next week.
Walk 2 School – our next Walk to School is on Tuesday 24th September. As always, any children taking part will enjoy breakfast together when they arrive at school. We will meet at 8.20am in the carpark at the back of Cowan Bridge Village Stores. Please note, early morning club is still available from 8am for those children whose parents do need to get off to work earlier!
Library Bus – the library bus will be visiting on Tuesday. Please encourage children to bring back their books to swap or renew.
REMINDER: Infants Hornby Castle Trip – a letter was attached last Friday regarding the infant trip to Hornby Castle on Wednesday 25th September. Please can all parents ensure they have returned the consent slip giving details of who will be dropping off and collecting.
Our Nursery will be closed on 25th September. Children will be able to choose an alternative day to attend that week.
Forest School Session – the whole school will come together on Thursday 26th September to take part in a morning of Forest School activities. Children should come to school dressed in weather appropriate outdoor clothes (that you don’t mind getting mucky!) with wellies. Please ensure children do also have their indoor shoes for the afternoon.
Cardboard Tubes – please can all Y1 & Y2 children bring a cardboard tube into school for next Friday 27th September. The longer the better!
REMINDER: Annual Flu Spray – an email was sent last week from Blackpool Teaching Hospitals School Age Vaccination Team regarding the Flu Nasal Spray. The consent process is now online. Please read and respond appropriately. The vaccination team will be in school on the morning of Thursday 17th October to administer the nasal sprays.
Juniors Water Bottles – please can all junior children (Y3, 4, 5 & 6) bring a water bottle to school. No glass bottles though please!
Playground – whilst we adore our wonderful school grounds and love to see the children enjoying them, please can we remind all children and parents to take care of it at the end of each day. On a couple of occasions, we have witnessed children vigorously riding bikes without helmets and hanging / pulling branches of trees. Please remind children to take care, we would hate for an accident to occur.
PTFA News –
AGM – Monday 30th September – the PTFA will be meeting in school at 2.30pm to discuss plans for the year ahead and setting PTFA roles for the year ahead. Please do try to come along, especially if you have any new fundraising ideas! The money raised by the PTFA benefits all children in school.
Chair – our wonderful chair, Rachael, has informed us she will be stepping down this academic year – so if you feel you would like to follow her lead and bring your ideas to the forefront of the PTFA please do come along to the AGM.
Parentkind – the charity that supports school PTAs – have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative – all you have to do is, opt in through the Asda Rewards app, choose our primary school and shop and scan in store or shop online at Asda.com, between 2nd September and 30th November 2024.
Coming up next week
- 24th September – Walk 2 School
- 24th September – library bus visit
- 25th September – Hornby Castle visit – infants
- 26th September – whole school Forest School morning
- 26th September – swimming (Y3, 4 & 5)
Coming up in September
- 30th September – PTFA AGM – 2.30pm
- 1st October – LAL – let’s do Lego – parent & child session – 9.30-11.30am
- 3rd October – Settle College – open evening Y6