
We have had a busy end to September! It was another wet and wild Walk 2 School on Tuesday, with just 6 children accompanying Mrs Mather. Our next walk is planned for Tuesday 8th October and we’re hopeful for better weather.  
Also on Tuesday afternoon, the children took part in a whole school ‘Re-Wild Yourself’ workshop where they reconnected with nature and expressed what it meant to them. They produced some exceptional artwork.
On Wednesday, the infant class had their first school trip of the year to Hornby Castle, where they explored the castle grounds and looked for signs of Autumn. The children then sketched their own castles, once again producing some magnificent works of art!
On Thursday, all children thoroughly enjoyed a very wet, windy and muddy Forest School session. The children made grotesques out of clay, enjoyed s’mores cooked on the fire and spent some free time making a mud slide!  

School Council – Mrs Browne was pleased to announce this year’s school councillors in assembly this morning. A huge congratulations to:

Their first meeting will take place next week and we’re really looking forward to what they plan for the coming year.

Magazines – if any families have any age-appropriate magazines, the juniors would be extremely grateful for any donations as they begin to look at different styles of writing in their lessons. Thank you.  

Mouse Trap – if anyone has the game ‘Mouse Trap’ please can the junior class borrow it? It will be very well looked after and returned after use. Many thanks.

Harvest Activity Morning – next Wednesday we will celebrate Harvest. Children will be working together throughout school on harvest activities which also tie in to our school vision of Belonging, Believing, Succeeding Together.

Harvest Appeal – this year, as we celebrate Harvest, we are asking any families who are able, to donate to our collection for a local foodbank. Items can be brought into school and placed in the box outside the office.

Where the Wildings Are – Alex will once again be joining us in school to make a start on some of the ongoing outdoor projects.
Parent volunteers are very welcome to stay and join in from 9am on Friday 11th October. If anyone has any garden tools and a strimmer, these would be very useful. We are also hoping to paint and fix the Wendy House in the infants playground.
Refreshments will be available.

Music Tuition – thank you to all those who have expressed an interest in individual music tuition. We will forward out more details including costings and start dates as soon as we have them.  

REMINDER: Juniors Water Bottles – please can all junior children (Y3, 4, 5 & 6) bring a water bottle to school. No glass bottles though please!

REMINDER: Annual Flu Sprayan email was sent last week from Blackpool Teaching Hospitals School Age Vaccination Team regarding the Flu Nasal Spray.  The consent process is now online.  Please read and respond appropriately.  The vaccination team will be in school on the morning of Thursday 17th October to administer the nasal sprays.

AGM – Monday 30th September – the PTFA will be meeting in school at 2.30pm to discuss plans for the year ahead and setting PTFA roles for the year ahead. Please do try to come along, especially if you have any new fundraising ideas! The money raised by the PTFA benefits all children in school.
Chair – our wonderful chair, Rachael, has informed us she will be stepping down this academic year – so if you feel you would like to follow her lead and bring your ideas to the forefront of the PTFA please do come along to the AGM.
Parentkind – the charity that supports school PTAs – have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative –  all you have to do is, opt in through the Asda Rewards app, choose our primary school and shop and scan in store or shop online at Asda.com, between 2nd September and 30th November 2024.

Coming up next week

Coming up this half term