
We had another busy week in school! On Monday afternoon, Stuart & Jenny from the Retired Greyhounds South Lakes charity joined us in school for an assembly to introduce themselves, and three greyhounds, to the children as our chosen charity for this year.
On Tuesday, the juniors joined 203,000 pupils from over 1,000 schools in an online assembly for Black History Month. It was interesting to find out about race issues across the UK and we were able to have some useful discussions too. Year 3 and 4 also enjoyed researching black heroes in our PSHE lesson. 
After four years of regular STEM workshops provided by ‘Doc’ (Dr Irene Wise from Lancaster University), this Wednesday was our last session. This time, our Year 5 and 6 pupils learned about the different types of birds found in Morecambe Bay and how their beaks differ according to their diet. Their design challenge was to build an extendable grabber with pincers based on bird beaks! Their final creations were mind-bogglingly brilliant and we were so pleased with the perseverance they showed. Well done Upper Juniors. 
Thank you to all the parents / carers who have sent in delicious sweet treats which will be made into prizes for the Bingo! on Thursday, there is going to be some fantastic prizes!

REMINDER: Forest School Toddler Stay & Play Session – on Monday 21st October, we will be welcoming families with pre-school aged children to join us for a morning of Forest School fun. Please come along and join us and share with any families who may be interested in coming to see our wonderful school in action.

Walk 2 School – our next Walk to School is on Tuesday. As always, any children taking part will enjoy breakfast together when they arrive at school. We will meet at 8.20am in the carpark at the back of Cowan Bridge Village Stores.

Christmas Card Fundraiser – children have been busy in school this week designing their Christmas Cards. Parents are invited into school at the end of the day next Wednesday to have a look at their child/rens designs and order if you wish. Proofs need to be sent off prior to the half term break.  

Eco-Club – Hot Chocolate and… will continue on a Tuesday following half-term. Any children wishing to join in should bring in £5.25 in a named envelope (by next Thursday) which will cover to half term.

REMINDER: Young Storytellers – we currently only have 3 children interested in the Young Storyteller workshop due to take place on Tuesday 12th & 19th November. If you would like to add on, please let me know ASAP, otherwise this will be cancelled.

Bikeability Training – all our Y5 & some Y6 pupils will be undertaking Bikeability training on Tuesday 12th November. Please can you sign and return the consent form to enable your child to take part, thank you – this was emailed to you a couple of weeks ago, please let me know if you need a copy printing.

Year 5 / 6 Brathay Residential 9th – 11th June 2025 – more information regarding this trip and payment plans will follow after half-term.  

School Value – our value for this half-term was “faithfulness”. We have focused on this in our assemblies and class worship. This half term in school we have celebrated children who have shown faithfulness in various different ways; well done to our stars of the week during Autumn term 1:

Tuck Shop – end of term sweet treats – 50p bags of sweets will be available from the PTFA tuck shop at the end of the school day on Thursday 24th October.
Wreath Making WorkshopFriday 22nd November – please save the date. Tickets are limited. 

REMINDER: School Admissions September 2025 – Lancashire County Councils online application system is now open for applications for 2024 – www.lancashire.gov.uk (search “school admissions”) The closing date for applications is:

If you live in either North Yorkshire or Cumbria, you will need to apply for secondary or primary school places via their website.

Coming up next week

Coming up at the start of November