We hope you all had a great half term and are all well rested and looking forward to the busy term ahead!
With the weather turning colder, please can we encourage all children to come to school with appropriate outdoor clothing. This includes appropriate outdoor PE kit and trainers too as we will try to get out whatever the weather! As always, a spare pair of socks in their PE kit wouldn’t go a-miss either. Thank you.
Anti-Bullying Week 2024 – will take place from Monday 11th – Friday 15th November, with the theme: Choose Respect. Odd Socks Day is taking place on Tuesday, with adults and children being encouraged to wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us unique.
Some useful information for parents about what is classed as bullying & how to help your child if they are being bullied or are bullying others is available online; Bullying advice for parents | Family Lives
Eco-Club – Hot Chocolate and… will continue on Tuesday. Any children wishing to join in should bring in £4.50 in a named envelope (on Monday if wanting to join this week) which will cover to half term.
Bikeability Training – all our Y5 & some Y6 pupils will be undertaking Bikeability training on Tuesday. Please use the ‘M’ checklist to ensure your child’s bike is roadworthy. Thank you to those who have returned the consent form, we are just awaiting the last couple – children won’t be able to take part without one so please ensure it is returned on Monday.
Clear Skies – Y5 & Y6 after school session – to link to their science topic, Mrs Mather is planning a star gazing after school session. This will take place in December on a Tuesday on a clear night, but we wanted to give advance warning that this session would take place – we will keep our eyes on the forecast and endeavor to let parents know the day before.
Maths Facts – please can all Y1 & Y2 children check in their book bags as there are new maths facts homework sheets inside. Thank you.
Retired Greyhounds South Lakes – all children will have come home with an envelope which included 5 raffle tickets from the RGSL – all tickets, sold or unsold, must be returned to school by 9am on 15th November or sooner in the envelope provided so they can be passed back to the event organiser to either sell or include in the draw. Many thanks for your assistance.
Pantomime – we are all heading to the Pantomime on Wednesday 11th December – including Nursery children who attend on a Wednesday. Payment of £7.50 is available on SchoolMoney. The PTFA have kindly agreed to fund the cost of the coach to make this an affordable festive treat for all the children.
School Council Fundraiser – on Friday 13th December the school council are organising a coin collection so please start saving any 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p & £1 coins. Please bring these coins into school for Friday 13th December and we will use them to make pictures and then give them to our chosen charity – The Retired Greyhounds South Lakes (RGSL). Thank you in advance.
Personal Achievements – this week in assembly, Mrs Davison was pleased to celebrate:
- Ella – swimming award
Well done.
All children are encouraged to bring any recent outside of school achievements into school, be that for sports, swimming, cubs, brownies etc. We look forward to seeing what the children get up to and enjoy outside of school.
School Value – our value for this half-term is “gentleness”. Assemblies and class worship will be focused on this value and children in school who show gentleness will be celebrated. Our school value changes every half-term.
PTFA News –
Bingo! – thank you to everyone who attended our first bingo night – along with the tuck shop sale at the end of the day, we managed to raise almost £145.00. All money raised by the PTFA benefits all children in school, be that via resources or transport & school trips.
Wreath Making Workshop – Friday 22nd November @ 6pm – tickets are limited. Please email me if you wish to book a place.
Easy Fundraising – please don’t forget to support the PTFA by using the Easy Fundraising website or downloading the app – it’s straightforward to use, and schools can raise amazing amounts of money. All you need to do is create an account and set your cause to St Peter’s School Leck, the website is https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stpetersceprimaryschoolleck/
Coming up next week
- 12th November – bikeability Y5 / 6
- 14th November – swimming continues
Coming up this half term
- 18th November – Walk 2 School
- 21st November – cluster performing arts day
- 22nd November – PTFA wreath making workshop – 6pm
- 25th November – Advent experience with Rev. Jane Lee
- 27th November – cluster swimming gala
- 9th December – Christmas production – 2pm & 6pm
- 11th December – Christmas pantomime visit
- 12th December – Christmas dinner day
- 13th December – School council fundraiser for he Retired Greyhounds South Lakes
- 18th December – Carols by candlelight 14.45pm
- 20th December – end of term.