What a treat to finish the week! The children have all really enjoyed playing in the snow this morning 😊
Earlier this week, a small group of children enjoyed a frosty Walk2School with Mrs Mather. Our next Walk2School is planned for Tuesday 3rd December.
Missing Uniform – an infant child is missing a couple of jumpers – they are named – please can all parents check that their child hasn’t unknowingly brought home the wrong one and return to school. Thank you.
Library Bus – the library bus will be visiting on Tuesday. Please encourage children to remember their books to renew or swap. Thank you.
KS2 Swimming Gala – Wednesday 27th November – a group of upper junior children will be heading off to Bay Leadership Academy to take part in a cluster swimming gala. A letter was attached last week, please return consent.
After School Gymnastics Session – Mrs Jones and Mrs Wilson will be holding a gymnastic session on Wednesday 27th November – 3.30 – 4.45pm.
Any KS2 children who are interested in competing in the acro competition are encouraged to attend. Any questions please ask.
Seasonal Sickness – it is that time again for coughs, colds, flu and outbreaks of norovirus, which impacts on us all, and not in a good way! We are therefore reminding you all of the importance of being vigilant for diarrhoea and vomiting (D&V) episodes. Thorough hand washing with liquid soap and water is the most effective preventative measure, however, in the event of infection, children with D&V should not return to school until they have been symptom free for 48 hours. There is infection control guidance in the parent advice section of the website.
Christmas Performance – the highlight of the festive school calendar is nearly upon us with this year’s eagerly anticipated Christmas production – ‘The Inn Crowd’. As with previous years, there will be two performances; both on Monday 9th December in the Church at 2.00pm and 6.00pm.
If you have pre-school children who would like to watch, please can we encourage you to bring them to the afternoon performance.
Christmas Lunch – all children have had a Christmas Lunch ordered for Thursday 12th December, if you DO NOT want your child/ren to have a Christmas lunch in school, please email me to OPT OUT. Payment will be available on our SchoolMoney online platform.
Y5 / 6 Brathay Residential – 9th – 11th June 2025 – a letter was sent on Tuesday, please return the consent and pay £10.00 deposit by 29th November so we can confirm final numbers.
REMINDER: Clear Skies – Y5 & Y6 after school session – to link to their science topic, Mrs Mather is planning a star gazing after school session. This will take place in December on a Tuesday on a clear night.
We will keep our eyes on the forecast and endeavour to let parents know the day before.
REMINDER: Pantomime – we are all heading to the Pantomime on Wednesday 11th December – including Nursery children who attend on a Wednesday. Payment of £7.50 is available on SchoolMoney. The PTFA have kindly agreed to fund the cost of the coach to make this an affordable festive treat for all the children.
REMINDER: School Council Fundraiser – on Friday 13th December the school council are organising a coin collection so please start saving any 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p & £1 coins. Please bring these coins into school for Friday 13th December and we will use them to make pictures and then give them to our chosen charity – The Retired Greyhounds South Lakes (RGSL). Thank you in advance.
Personal Achievements – all children are encouraged to bring any recent outside of school achievements into school, be that for sports, swimming, cubs, brownies etc.
We look forward to seeing what the children get up to and enjoy outside of school.
REMINDER: Eco-School News – this year, we would like to encourage all children NOT to send each and every child in the class / school (in some cases) a Christmas card. Whilst we celebrate the act of giving, we would like to actively encourage all children to just send one card, or draw a festive picture, which we can display in school over the festive period.
PTFA News –
Autumn 100 Square – each square is £1 and the winner will win 50% of the number of squares sold and the other £100/50% will go into PTFA funds!
Please speak to Hayley Fawcett or send money to the school office in a clearly marked envelope and we will pass it on to the PTFA.
Easy Fundraising – please don’t forget to support the PTFA by using the Easy Fundraising website or downloading the app – it’s straightforward to use, and schools can raise amazing amounts of money. All you need to do is create an account and set your cause to St Peter’s School Leck, the website is https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stpetersceprimaryschoolleck/
Coming up next week
- 25th November – Advent experience with Rev. Jane Lee
- 27th November – cluster swimming gala
- 27th November – gymnastic after school session 3.30-4.45pm
- 28th November – swimming continues
Coming up this half term
- 3rd December – Walk2School
- 9th December – Christmas production – 2pm & 6pm
- 11th December – Christmas pantomime visit
- 12th December – Christmas dinner and jumper day
- 13th December – School council fundraiser for he Retired Greyhounds South Lakes
- 20th December – end of term.