We have had a very busy and exciting week in school! The children performed beautifully on Monday and were a real credit to the school; from the acting, singing and very well-timed witty humour, we were all absolutely blown away and hope you were too. We would like to say a very big thank you and well done to all the staff who gave up their valuable time to rehearsals and making costumes and scenery.
On Tuesday morning, Alex and Olivia from the Where the Wildings project came into school to make natural Christmas decorations with the children. The children shaped willow into star shapes and weaved ribbon, tinsel and wool.
On Tuesday evening, a group of Upper Juniors stayed behind to take part in a star gazing after school session. Thank you to the children who brought in telescopes and especially to Denis Williams who stayed with us, with his telescope we were able to see numerous stars, the craters on the moon, Venus, Jupiter and Jupiter’s moons. It was a very lovely evening; we hope the Upper Juniors enjoyed it as much as we did.
On Wednesday, the school thoroughly enjoyed their annual trip to the pantomime (oh no they didn’t I hear you cry!) – a huge thank you to the PTFA for funding the coach to make this an affordable festive treat for all!
On Thursday, we all enjoyed our Christmas Dinner – thank you to Sarah at Melling for her wonderful cooking, as always. It was lovely to hear the hall filled with Christmas music, children chatting and laughing as we all enjoyed our food.
Our School Council fundraiser for the Retired Greyhounds South Lakes earlier today raise approximately £81.00 – thank you to everyone who brought in any loose change. We were able to make numerous different images with the coins – a selection of photos have been added to our Facebook page.
And finally, today, we held our fourth spelling bee competition. The children were tested on the year group spellings they are currently learning. This term’s winners were:
- Freya F
- Noah
- Florence
- Ella
- Alice
- Zara
congratulations to all our winners.
The Spelling bee trophy for KS2 was awarded to Ruby for the most correct spellings overall in KS2 and Noah in KS1.
Personal Achievements – this morning in assembly, we were pleased to celebrate:
- Harrison – achieving red belt at karate 😊
Well done. All children are encouraged to bring any recent outside of school achievements into school, be that for sports, swimming, cubs, brownies etc. We look forward to seeing what the children get up to and enjoy outside of school.
KS2 Christmas Dodgeball – on Monday morning, the juniors will be enjoying a Christmas dodgeball party – children will need their PE kit – they can wear a Christmas t-shirt if they wish (not jumper as they will get too hot!)
Christmas Film – on Monday afternoon, all children will be watching ‘That Christmas’ which is rated PG. Please email me if you would prefer your child/ren not to watch.
Party Day! – our annual whole school Christmas Party will be on Wednesday 18th December. All children are invited to come to school in their party clothes!
After School Clubs – from January 2025, we are very pleased to be able to offer the following after school clubs:
Dance – every Tuesday – 3.30pm – 4.30pm – for children in Y1 to Y6. The club will continue for signed up children until the Easter break.
Tennis – every Thursday – 3.30pm – 4.30pm – for children in Y1 to Y6. The club will continue for signed up children until the Easter break.
Places at these clubs will be limited, please email me to register your child/ren’s interest.
REMINDER: School Admissions September 2025 – Lancashire County Councils online application system is now open for applications for 2025 – www.lancashire.gov.uk (search “school admissions”) The closing date for applications is:
- Primary school applications – 15th January 2025
If you live in either North Yorkshire or Cumbria, you will need to apply for secondary or primary school places via their website.
Blackpool Zoo – On Tuesday 21st January, our infant children will be going on a day trip to Blackpool Zoo to support their polar regions topic work. More information will follow.
PTFA News –
Easy Fundraising – please don’t forget to support the PTFA by using the Easy Fundraising website or downloading the app – it’s straightforward to use, and schools can raise amazing amounts of money. All you need to do is create an account and set your cause to St Peter’s School Leck, the website is https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stpetersceprimaryschoolleck/
Wreath Making Workshop – we would like to say a huge thank you to Fia for organising an excellent wreath making workshop at the end of November. We raised £350. We hope everyone had an enjoyable evening and were pleased with their creations.
Coming up in January
- 6th January – school re-opens
- 7th January – library bus visit
- 7th January – dance after school club – 3.30-4.30pm
- 9th January – swimming resumes
- 9th January – tennis after school club – 3.30-4.30pm
- 14th January – Walk 2 School – 8.20am @ Cowan Bridge Stores
- 15th January – closing date for primary school admissions
- 16th January – KS1 multi-skills @ Carnforth High
- 21st January – KS1 trip to Blackpool Zoo