
Welcome back! A very Happy New Year to you and your families, we hope that you’ve all enjoyed the festivities over the holidays!
It has been lovely to see all the children excited to be back at school and seeing all their friends after the Christmas break. This week we have welcomed Reuben and Ethan to our nursery – we are sure they will both be very happy here at Leck.

Class Newsletters – please find attached a separate infant and junior class newsletter giving you specific information on the focus of studies for this term.

Walk 2 School – our next Walk to School is on    Tuesday 14th January. As always, any children taking part will enjoy breakfast together when they arrive at school. We will meet at 8.20am in the carpark at the back of Cowan Bridge Village Stores.

School Value – our Christian value for this half-term is “self-control”. Assemblies and class worship will be   focused on this value and children in school who show self-control will be celebrated. Our school value changes every half-term.
We would love to celebrate examples of our children living out the Christian value of self-control at home. Certificates can be obtained from either classroom or Mrs Knapp. Simply fill it in and then send in to school so that Mrs Davison can present them in Friday Celebration and Praise assembly.

After School Clubs – 
Dancewith Redlocks Creations – every Tuesday – 3.30pm – 4.30pm – for all children. Redlocks Creations are well known to school, having provided curriculum and after school dance sessions in previous years. The children really enjoyed their first session with Robbie on Tuesday – we do still have 3 spaces left, please get in touch if your child/ren would like to join.
Tenniswith Cartmell Tennis – this club is fully booked! Despite the weather, children managed to have an enjoyable session of multi-skills in the school hall. As the weather improves, we will get out on to the playground to focus on our tennis.
Please can children bring a suitable change of clothes to school for these after school sessions.

PE Kit – some children still have brought their PE kit and outdoor shoes back to school. Please can these be brought in on Monday. Thank you.

Juniors – please can all junior children (Y3-6) bring an oversized t-shirt to school on Monday morning for use over their uniform during Art lessons (which involve clay and paint). Thank you.

Infant Show & Tell – Mrs Mather will be reintroducing show and tell to the infant class on Monday, starting with Celia – we can’t wait to see what she brings to school to share with her friends.   

Eco-Club – Hot Chocolate and… will continue on Tuesday. Any children wishing to join in should bring in £4.15 in a named envelope by Monday. This will cover to half term.

REMINDER: School Admissions September 2025 – Lancashire County Councils online application system is now open for applications for 2025 – www.lancashire.gov.uk (search “school admissions”) The closing date for applications is:

If you live in either North Yorkshire or Cumbria, you will need to apply for school places via their website.

KS1 multi-skills – some of our Y1 & 2 children will be attending a multi-skills event at Carnforth High School on Thursday 16th January. A letter will be coming home today with children who are participating.

Blackpool Zoo – on Tuesday 21st January, our infant children will be going on a day trip to Blackpool Zoo to support their polar regions topic work. A letter with more information was sent on Monday and payment of £10.50 is available on SchoolMoney. Thank you to the PTFA for funding the bus cost for this trip.

Performing Arts Day – some of our junior children will be taking part in a performing arts day at Caton Victoria Institute on Friday 24th January. A letter will be coming home today with children who are          participating.

Brathay Residential – monthly payment plans have been set up on SchoolMoney for the Y5 / 6 children who will be joining us on the Brathay residential in June.  The first instalment of £24 is due by the end of January.

Coming up next week

Coming up this half-term