
We’ve had a lovely week in school! On Monday our upper junior children took part in a young leader’s programme with Scott Wilcox – these sessions aim to help children develop leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as building confidence and self-esteem as they take on the responsibility of leading their peers and younger children in small games and activities. Scott took the time to email Mrs Davison to say “Thank you for inviting me in to work with both of your fantastic schools. The children completed the Young Leaders Award to a very high standard. All the children had a brilliant attitude and displayed very good leadership skills.” The next session is on Tuesday 28th January.
Mrs Mather and a very small number of children took part in Walk2School on Tuesday. We have decided, due to the depleting numbers, to revert to doing this just one per month (the 2nd Tuesday of each month) to try to build the numbers back up. Our next planned Walk2School will therefore be on Tuesday 11th February.
On Thursday a group of our KS1 children (Y1 & 2) headed off to Carnforth High School to take part in a multi-skills session with other local schools. The children enjoyed the variety of activities. Well done children.   

Housekeeping – we thought it might be a good idea to run through a few school reminders.
School starts promptly at 9am – doors are open from 8.50am and all children should be in school, sat at their tables ready for lessons by 9am. School finishes at 3.30pm.
Our uniform – a school jumper or cardigan in our school colour, collared T-shirt and black or grey trousers, shorts or skirt. All children need a pair of school shoes and a pair of shoes to wear outside.  
Children need their correct PE kit in school – school PE T-shirt and sweatshirt, blue or black shorts, trainers or pumps. A spare pair of socks would also be handy!
All children (both girls and boys) with hair which is long enough to be tied up should come to school with their hair brushed and tied up neatly, all fringes should be clipped back from around their face if they are beyond eye level. Thank you.

After School Clubs – the children have all been thoroughly enjoying the after-school sessions – by way of reminder, these clubs finish at 4.30pm and the club providers are going on to other groups / activities so please ensure a prompt collection. Thank you.   

REMINDER: Juniors Equipment – please can all junior children (Y3-6) bring an oversized t-shirt to school on Monday morning for use over their uniform during Art lessons (which involve clay and paint).
We would also like to request that all children bring a water bottle to school as part of their daily equipment – it is quite disruptive for children to be requesting water breaks throughout lessons and a bottle can be easily kept on their desks. Thank you. 

Infant Show & Tell – Mrs Mather reintroduced show and tell to the infant class on Monday. This week we are looking forward to seeing what Leo would like to bring to school to share with friends.   

Eco-Club – Hot Chocolate and… will continue on Tuesday. Any children wishing to join in should bring in £3.40 in a named envelope by Monday. This will cover to half term.

Blackpool Zoo – on Tuesday, our infant children will be going on a day trip to Blackpool Zoo to support their polar regions topic work. A letter with more information was sent last Monday and payment of £10.50 is available on SchoolMoney. Thank you to the PTFA for funding the bus cost for this trip.

Performing Arts Day – some of our junior children will be taking part in a performing arts day at Caton Victoria Institute on Friday. All children will need a packed lunch and a drink. Children will return to school at approximately 3.30-3.45pm.

Brathay Residential – monthly payment plans have been set up on SchoolMoney for the Y5 / 6 children who will be joining us on the Brathay residential in June.  The first instalment of £24 is due by the end of January.

Coming up next week

Coming up this half-term