We have had a brilliant first week back in school! During our ‘Welcome Back’ morning, we were thinking about things we value and appreciate, and our junior children shared their favourite parts of the half-term break and wanted to thank their parents for a lovely half-term holiday, these included:
- We loved baking
- We loved our chilled day watching movies
- I had a great time going to see family and friends
- I loved you taking me to the park
- We loved playing games together
- Thank you for watching me play sports and cheering me on.
On Tuesday, 12 children joined Mrs Mather for Walk2School – once again a huge thank you to Cowan Bridge Village Stores for providing the children with their breakfast.
On Thursday the junior children all enjoyed their trip to Heysham Power Station, thank you to the PTFA for contributing to the cost of the coach to make this an affordable trip to parents.
Earlier today, Mrs Davison led the Friday afternoon assembly – if any children have an achievement outside of school which they would like to share, they can bring in medals / certificates in to school to join in the celebration assembly.
Juniors DT – Cooking – as part of our DT topic on North American Food, we will be cooking several dishes in school. All junior children have taken home a letter about this which gives information about which country they will be cooking food from, and anything they need to bring into school.
On Monday all children will need to bring: a tea towel, a chopping board and a cheese grater. If they also have their own apron, they may bring that in too!
Ladies in Pigs – on Monday morning, all children in school will join in with a cookery workshop to learn about where food comes from and how farmers work to produce British high welfare food. Our infant children will be making sausage rolls and the junior children will be making pork, sage and plum pasties (or alternative for dietary requirements). Please can all children consider making a donation (minimum £1) to the Ladies in Pigs so they can continue their work. We are not being charged for the workshop.
Upper Junior Caving Day – our year 5 & 6 children will be experiencing an introduction to caving on Tuesday 27th February. Experienced instructors from Tower Wood Outdoor Centre will lead, along with Mrs Davison & Mrs Elliott. This will take place at a cave in the Yorkshire Dales chosen by the instructors, dependant on the weather. A visit information sheet and medical form is coming home with children, please return on Monday.
Bikeability Training – all our Y5 & 6 pupils will be undertaking Bikeability training on 6th & 7th March. You will find a letter enclosed regarding the training, an ‘M’ checklist to ensure your child’s bike is roadworthy and a consent form.
Please can you sign and return the consent form to enable your child to take part, thank you.
Maths Homework – Y1 & 2 – please check your child’s maths folder. The majority if children have a new set of addition facts or times tables to learn. Don’t forget the White Rose Minute Maths app is a good source for practice.
Class Newsletters – please find attached a separate infant and junior class newsletter giving you specific information on the focus of studies for this term.
School Value – our value for this half-term is “patience”. Assemblies and class worship will be focused on this value and children in school who show patience will be celebrated. Our school value changes every half-term.
Football Practice – next week, Mrs Jones will lead some football sessions at lunchtime as we prepare for the cluster event at Arkholme in a few weeks time. Any children interested in joining in the practice session will need to bring football boots and shin pads into school on 28th, 29th February and 7th March please.
REMINDER: School Uniform – our uniform is straightforward – a jade school jumper, jade coloured T-shirt, black or grey trousers, shorts or skirt and plain black school shoes (NOT trainers!) You can buy jumpers / cardigans with or without the school logo, the same applies for school t-shirts. Items with our school logo can be purchased from the School Trends website: Leck CE Primary School Uniform (schooltrends.co.uk) and items without the logo can be purchased online at most supermarkets, below are a couple of links to items:
Jade Green Short Sleeve School Polo Shirts 2 Pack | School | George at ASDA
Jade Green Girls Jersey School Cardigan 2 Pack | School | George at ASDA
Jade Green School Sweatshirt 2 Pack | School | George at ASDA
Buy Jade Crew Neck Sweatshirt 2 Pack 6 years | School jumpers and sweatshirts | Tu (sainsburys.co.uk)
REMINDER: Infants PE Kits – please can all Y1 and Y2 children ensure they have jogging bottoms, sweatshirt (not hoodie) and if possible an old pair of trainers in their PE kits as we are intending to do our sessions outside, weather permitting.
Eco-Club – Hot Chocolate and… will continue on a Tuesday. Any children wishing to join in should bring in £3.75 in a named envelope (by Monday) which will cover to half term.
After School Clubs – Junior Golf – Wednesday (after Easter break) we have been offered an after-school golf club, with Sophie from Bentham Golf Club, so we are just gauging interest – 3.15pm – 4.15pm – Y3-Y6 – until the end of Summer term. Please email me to register your interest.
SEEKING: Welfare Assistant – we are still looking for a welfare assistant, are you or do you know anyone who may be interested? Please share with friends and family.
We need someone to help serve meals and supervise the children during their midday break. The vacancy is term time only covering Monday-Friday from 11.15am – 1.15pm – this includes collection of meals from Melling. Please contact the office for more details.
Coming up this week
- 26th February – Ladies in Pigs
- 27th February – caving – upper juniors
- 27th February – after school herbalist club – 3.15-4.45pm
- 28th February – dance after school club – 3.15-4.15pm
- 29th February – swimming resumes
Coming up next half-term
- 5th March – Walk2School
- 5th March – infants forest school session
- 6th March – Bikeability – upper juniors
- 6th March – parents meetings 2pm-6pm
- 7th March – Bikeability – upper juniors
- 12th March – KS2 cluster football @ Arkholme
- 15th March – mufti day
- 25th March – Arts day @ Hornby
- 27th March – Acro / gymnastics cluster @ BLA
- 28th March – PTFA bunny drive from 3.45pm
- 28th March – end of term – school closes.