
We’ve had another great week in school! On Monday, our junior children had a wonderful day at Tower Wood – and the weather stayed fine too! Children took part in in water and land-based activities, including climbing and rowing. We have added a few photos of our day to the school Facebook page.
Our junior children are out again today, at the Dales Museum in Hawes – to aide our WW2 learning. We can’t wait to hear all about it upon their return.
Meanwhile in school, we have been continuing the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild, which has included making art in nature, sharing stories and a nature alphabet hunt.

Class Newsletters – please find attached a separate infant and junior class newsletter giving you specific information on the focus of studies for this term.

Sickness – we still seem to be struggling with an outbreak of norovirus, we are therefore reminding you of the importance of being vigilant for diarrhoea and vomiting (D&V) episodes. Thorough hand washing with soap and water is the most effective preventative measure, however, in the event of infection, children with D&V should not return to school until they have been symptom free for 48 hours.

Walk 2 School – our next Walk to School is on Tuesday 18th June. As always, any children taking part will enjoy breakfast together when they arrive at school. We will meet at 8.20am in the carpark at the back of Cowan Bridge Village Stores.

Whole School Photo – unfortunately, due too the high level of absence, Tempest Photography didn’t come to school this week. We will let you know as soon as we have a rearranged date to take our whole school group photo.

Subjects Week – the whole school will be celebrating certain subjects from our curriculum.

Monday – French / DT

Tuesday – Art

Wednesday – Maths

Thursday – Science

Friday – Forest School – outdoor education

French / DT Day children will visit the French cafe where they can order a breakfast snack by speaking French. We are asking parents to consider paying a donation of £2 per child or £3 per family for this day. Please send cash into school in a named envelope. Thank you.
Mrs Jones would like a huge collection of junk modelling materials ready for French day (Monday 17th June). Please can you save up clean cardboard boxes, tubes and plastics and bring them in on Monday.    
We would also like to invite any parents who are able and would like to come in to school to help with our French / DT project on Monday afternoon from 1pm – please email us let us know if you’re able to attend. Thank you.

Forest School – all children in school will be taking part in Forest School activities on Friday morning with a visit to the wooded area here at school. They will need appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear suitable for the weather.

REMINDER: Juniors News
DT – this term, our juniors we will be creating a patchwork blanket in DT, any old clothes that we could reuse to create this would be very welcome please.

Juniors – as part of their WW2 topic, we are hoping to watch the first 10 minutes of The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe – rated PG. This is to show the children being evacuated – please let us know if you aren’t happy for your children watch.

Westmorland Farm Open Day – the Westmorland County Agricultural Society have kindly invited our lower juniors to a farm open day at Heaves Farm on Tuesday 25th June. Transport for the event will be provided by coach companies arranged through the Society. An information sheet will be attached next week.

Orienteering – a team of KS1 children will be heading to Quernmore on Thursday 27th June to take part in a fun filled morning of Orienteering.

KS2 Parliament Workshop – our junior children have been invited to Hornby to take part in a parliament workshop on Thursday 27th June, where there will be an assembly and debate workshop. We are asking parents to consider donating £3.00 per child towards the cost of the transport. Payment is available on SchoolMoney.

Whole School TripMonday 8th July – our annual whole school trip takes us to the Buddhist Temple in Ulverston this year. Children from Reception to Year 6 will have a guided tour of the temple and have the opportunity to take part in a meditation session.
Our Nursery will therefore be closed on Monday 8th July as we will not be back in school until 3.15pm. Children will be able to choose an alternative day to attend that week.     

Coming up next week

Coming up this half-term